Newly Revised and updated book is now
complete entitled,
"The Lion Has Roared".
 It is about an open vision received in 2007
about the end of days and the completion
of the bride, the judgement about to be
poured out, and the protection and the
hiding place of the bride. It is an amazing
visit to Heaven through Jacob's Ladder and
to the throne room to behold the glory of

To download the front cover click
To download the inside front cover click
To download the Table of Contents click
To download the 150 page book for FREE
in .pdf format click
To download About the Author click
To download the back cover Menorah
"Photosynthesis" click

Note: Please use files for your enjoyment only as
they are all copyrighted and all rights are reserved.
Free Stuff
"Generation Inheritance" CD Download NOW for FREE!!!

Note: Please use files for your enjoyment only as they are all copyrighted and all
rights are reserved.

Download Instructions: Either Click on "download" then right
click on player and select "save source"
OR right click on download and select "save target as".

1. Spark The Fire                       
download        listen
2. Heaven Rain Down                download        listen
3. Where The Glory Walks         download        listen
4. Come To The Water               download        listen
5. Generation Inheritance          download        listen
6. I Can Come                            download        listen
7. Crowning You                        download        listen
8. Who He Is                               download        listen
9. Revelation Revolution           download        listen
10. Last Generation                   download        listen
11. Fountain Of Love                 download        listen
12. The Throne Room                download        listen
13. Angel Unaware                     download        listen
14. Send Down Your Glory        download        listen
15. The Weight Of The Lord      download        listen
Note: Please use files for your enjoyment only. These files are all copyrighted and all rights
are reserved.

Download Instructions: 1. Click on download 2. Right click on the player and select "save as

1. You Love Me                                        
2. Year of Restoration                             Download
3. Don't Be Afraid                                     Download
4. He Said It's Time                                  Download
5. Love Letter                                           Download
6. Run To The Torah                                Download
7. Your Word                                            Download
8. Lookin' For A Star                                Download
9. This Is The Day                                    Download
10.New Moon                                           Download
11. Until The Next Goodbye                   Download
Original Words & Music by: Renalee
Produced & Arranged by Andy Kern
Vocals By: Renalee
Harmonies By: Renalee, Jennifer Benson, Joshua McGeeHee
& Jim Sorensen
Guitar By: Andy Kern & Renalee
Piano: Jim Sorensen
Percussion: Nathan James & Gary Bruzzese
Violin: Joyce Eurin    Bass: Paul Gabrielson & Gary Bruzzese  
Shofar & Vocals on Love Letter: Phil Ohst      
The Lion Has Roared
James Nesbit
Prepare the Way Ministries
12 South Clinton
New Baden, IL 62265
Used With Permission
Run To The Torah Music Video
Here is the Run to the Torah song from the Love Letter

It has been such a favorite of everyone’s, that our friends all
insisted that we do this video.
We are very happy we did, as it was so much fun
to do with the children.
So many wonderful friends helped with this project and we
couldn’t have done it without their help and encouragement.
Thank you family and friends!
Thanks for
Shalom Aleichem friends may shalom remain with you as you hear
the message I am sending to you. This is my second book to be
This week I was finally released to begin writing down all the
words that Yahshua has shown me from His Holy Book about the
word Shalom. You would think there would be a page or two about
one word, but there is so much to write I haven’t really known
where to begin. Every time I think I have found every nugget and
connecting dot, there it is again, another link. I used to look for
nuggets of shalom, but have found a rich golden vein instead. It
leads a path throughout the entire Word of YHWH and was
purposely placed there for us to see. I pray you see it today and
that the veil would be removed from our eyes to behold Yahshua in
it. I feel honored and humbled that He would reveal these things to
an ordinary girl (older girl at that, lol), but thank Him with all of my
heart for the adventure.
To Download The
Gospel of Shalom for
free in .pdf version
click here
"FOREVER LOVE" A Restored Name Production CD

Note: Please use files for your enjoyment only. These files are all copyrighted and all rights are reserved.

Download Instructions: 1. Click on download 2. Right click on the player and select "save as source"

Shalom like a River                                         DOWNLOAD
2.    Joy comes in the Morning                              DOWNLOAD
3.    Love Is The Evidence                                     DOWNLOAD
4.    Yahushua                                                         DOWNLOAD
5.    Beauty for Holiness                                        DOWNLOAD
6.    Crowning You                                                  DOWNLOAD
7.    Come Be With Me                                            DOWNLOAD
8.    Forever Love                                                    DOWNLOAD
9.    Sanctuary                                                          DOWNLOAD
10.  Shalom Aleikhem                                             DOWNLOAD